1/19/08 How Green is a Bird Killing Machine? And Have You Seen the Bald Eagle at Magnolia Bluff Park?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 06:35PM
The BPRC Research Nerd in Wind farm, wind farm bird, wind farm birds, wind turbine bird

Have you seen the bald eagle at Magnolia Bluff County Park? The park is located on North Croak Road between Hiway 59 and Finneran. If you find yourself in that area, be sure to look up. If you don't like sad news about raptors like our Magnolia Bluff bald eagle and 40 story industrial wind turbines, read no further--Raptor.jpg

 Though the wind industry continues to downplay the impact industrial wind turbines have on birds, the latest scientific studies are causing concern among environmentalists everywhere.


Scientists recommend stronger action to decrease bird kills 
February 19, 2008 by H. Sterling Burnett in Heartland Insitute (Click Here For Source)

How about a video of a wind turbine on fire? Click here

This one is burning from the bottom. Click Here 

Or, why not watch a high-speed train shooting through a wind farm? click here

How about some footage taken from the top of a 400 foot tall industrial wind turbine with improvisational jazz playing in the background? If you have a fear of heights or improvisational jazz do not CLICK HERE

Article originally appeared on Better Plan: The Trouble With Industrial Wind Farms in Wisconsin (http://betterplan.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.