4/29/10 DOUBLE FEATURE Dear Wind Siting Council, we are looking forward to seeing you today AND A letter from a wind project resident
Thursday, April 29, 2010 at 10:37AM
The BPRC Research Nerd


Public Service Commission Building
610 North Whitney Way, Madison, Wisconsin

 [Click here for map]

Audio of the meeting will be broadcast from the PSC Website beginning at 1:30 CLICK HERE to visit the PSC website, click on the button on the left that says "Live Broadcast". Sometimes the meetings don't begin right on time. The broadcasts begin when the meetings do so keep checking back if you don't hear anything right at 1:30.

 April 24, 2010

To Whom It May Concern,

RE: This is a formal complaint.

I have lived in the Fond du Lac/Dodge County Invenergy wind farm for 2 years so I feel I can list my complaints with fairness and rationality.

I have a turbine 1100 feet to the east from my back door and one 1500 feet to the south behind my bedroom. I experience noise in my house every day these things are turning. The worst at night! The one 1100 feet can often be heard in my living room with the TV on. The one behind my home (bedroom) is most disturbing as there is noise in my bedroom, windows open or not. The turbine on the east flickers throughout my house during the mornings in February and March. As my picture window faces east, one cannot stand being in the living area during these mornings.

I am also very aware especially at night of a low frequency "hum" in my house, not outside, but in my buildings. Trying to read, pray, fall asleep in my bedroom sometimes gets me to almost scream "someone help me stop this!" Could the substation about ½ mile from my home have anything to do with this noise? No one has an answer yet after having WE Energies at my home twice and yes I have seen a doctor (no it`s not me). I`m assuming the "hum" is a vibration as my valences work their way out of the brackets and have been on the floor many times. Now every Saturday AM I check them and push them back into place. This "hum" is the worse and I am wondering what you would suggest to solve the problem.

Also I have noticed since the turbines have been "up and running" I have not seen a bat or a deer which I did before in my area.

In summary, I am appalled how others' actions are allowed to negatively impact one`s home, health and life without any help solving the problems. As a health care professional, I am appalled at the health consequences many of my neighbors and I are experiencing even to needing mediations?! I am also appalled to find out about the decrease in the value/salability of our properties. Even real estate companies unwilling to list our homes. This speaks to me how unethical the wind turbine business is.

Please file as documentation of the negative impact of the wind farm on my life and home.

Sandy Vercauteren

Article originally appeared on Better Plan: The Trouble With Industrial Wind Farms in Wisconsin (http://betterplan.squarespace.com/).
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