December 29, 2011
A study has been done on the East Coast measuring the low-frequency noise coming off the blades of an industrial wind turbine in Falmouth, Mass., and entering people’s homes and making them sick. This study is science-based and was completed by licensed acoustic experts. They are asking for what we here in Wisconsin are asking for — objective, science-based epidemiological health studies of operational wind projects.
Why aren’t the wind corporations calling for these needed studies? Because they know what the health experts will find and release to state officials and the media — that close siting of industrial wind turbines harms people and domesticated animals and impacts the habitat selections of wildlife.
The dirty little secret of low-frequency noise from industrial turbines harming living things is getting out to the public.
Sandy Johnson
Brown County Citizens for Responsible Wind Energy
Latest legislation fails to extend Section 1603 cash-grant program
By NAW Staff, North American Windpower, 27 December 2011 ~~
New legislation agreed upon by the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate on Dec. 22 – which focuses on payroll tax extension, unemployment insurance benefits and Medicare – does not include extension of the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Section 1603 cash-grant program, which is scheduled to expire at the end of this year.
Renewable energy stakeholders had vigorously lobbied for the continuation of this program in recent months.
The final agreement, which was signed into law by President Obama on Dec. 23, includes future work by senators and representatives on reconciling the differences between the chambers.