9/10/11 Why your town needs a moratorium on Big Wind AND More about the noise the wind industry says is all in you head
Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 11:14AM
The BPRC Research Nerd in Bill Rakocy, Brown County, Emerging Energies, Fond du Lac County, Life in a wind farm, Manitowoc County, Setbacks, Wisconsin public service commission, health effects, wind farm abandoned home, wind farm abandoned home, wind farm complaints, wind farm health effects, wind farm noise, wind farm property value, wind farm property values, wind farm trouble, wind siting council, wind siting rules legislation and policy

A Letter from a Wisconsin Farmer


SOURCE: htrnews.com

September 10, 2011

By Jerome Hlinak, Tisch Mills

Some of you may be aware that the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin appointed a committee of experts to create statewide wind siting rules, but may not know the majority of that committee benefits financially from the wind industry.[Click here to see who is on the Wind Siting Council]

One committee member living in the Fond du Lac County wind turbine nightmare had his health concerns completely ignored by those looking to fill their pockets with government green energy subsidies.

Statewide, legislators have been receiving complaints from wind farm victims who live much farther away than the committee's recommended 1,250-foot setback.

Committee member Bill Rakocy of Emerging Energies was granted a permit by Manitowoc County in 2006 to build eight turbines near Mishicot. A court denied those permits, agreeing with residents that the county should have used its new wind ordinance, not the 2004 ordinance, which was written with assistance from wind developers.

Emerging Energies, aka Shirley Wind LLC, moved on to build the Shirley Wind Farm in Brown County.

Families residing up to a mile away from the Shirley turbines have been driven out of their homes due to health issues. Emerging Energies received $13.2 million in grants for this project, benefits from tax credits and double depreciation at your tax dollar expense, and these families get no compensation without legal action.

Please ask your county supervisor to support a moratorium on large wind turbines. The current county ordinance requires only a 1,000-foot setback from a lot line.

Element Power is proposing turbines in northern Manitowoc County that would fall between the county's outdated rules and new state standards that might be as much as 2,640 feet from a lot line.

Several town boards have passed resolutions to support a moratorium. Ask your supervisor to place more value on your health and safety ratherthan financial gain or jobs with Tower Tech.

Jerome Hlinak

Tisch Mills

Next Story


Source: Renewable Energy News

September 10, 2011

By Jim Cummings, Acoustic Ecology Institute

Article originally appeared on Better Plan: The Trouble With Industrial Wind Farms in Wisconsin (http://betterplan.squarespace.com/).
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