1/13/12 Frozen Assets: Ice stops two thirds of turbines in project
Friday, January 13, 2012 at 08:42AM
The BPRC Research Nerd in wind farm ice, wind power ice, wind turbine ice


By Matthew Bingley

via CBC News, www.cbc.ca

January 12, 2012 

When the fog cools, it creates an icy build-up which make the turbines unusable...

Workers are currently trying to find a way to melt some of the ice. They will use helicopters to spray the blades with hot water in an attempt to break up some of the ice...

Cold weather continues to plague a northern New Brunswick wind farm with technical issues.

The intense cold over the past week has caused ice to build up on turbine blades at the Caribou Wind Park near Bathurst.

Only 11 out of 33 turbines are currently running, officials with GDF Suez Energy North America, the company that owns the wind park, confirmed.

Company spokesperson Julie Vitek said the problems continue to occur due to the location’s tendency to attract fog.

When the fog cools, it creates an icy build-up which make the turbines unusable, she said.

“Obviously cold and dry tends to be more healthy for a wind farm” said Vitek.

Workers are currently trying to find a way to melt some of the ice. They will use helicopters to spray the blades with hot water in an attempt to break up some of the ice, she said.

The workers will have to contend with more bad weather on the way, but Vitek expects the issue will be resolved some time next week.

This is not the first time there has been issues with the wind farm. Operations had to be halted multiple times due to ice over the past two years.

Last year, all 33 of the turbines had to be shut-down for over a month.

When the Caribou Wind Park is at peak capacity, it generates enough electricity to power about 30,000 homes.

Article originally appeared on Better Plan: The Trouble With Industrial Wind Farms in Wisconsin (http://betterplan.squarespace.com/).
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