2/17/12 Wind developers say project will not harm birds. Nature Canada does not agree.
Friday, February 17, 2012 at 03:25PM
The BPRC Research Nerd


Source The Canadian Press, www.winnipegfreepress.com

February 17, 2012 

PICTON, Ont. – A proposed wind energy project in Ontario’s rural Prince Edward County has ruffled feathers with Nature Canada, which says the turbines would threaten several endangered bird species.

The location of the project at Ostrander Point, on land owned by the province, is “one of the most significant sites for migrating birds in eastern Ontario,” the national conservation group says. Every year tens of thousands of birds stop there to refuel, drawn by the unique geography of the area on Lake Ontario’s shoreline.

“While Nature Canada recognizes wind energy is an important green energy solution, wind farms in the wrong place can be bad for wildlife.”

The group has suggested citizens tell the province’s Environment Ministry to refuse the application by Toronto-based Gilead Power Corp. for the project.

The company says it completed several detailed studies that “confirm the project will not adversely impact wildlife and bird populations.”

The nine-turbine facility will potentially provide power for about 5,600 homes per year, it says. Construction is planned for later this year if the necessary approvals are granted.

Prince Edward County, about three hours east of Toronto, is a growing tourist destination, with wineries and culinary attractions.

Article originally appeared on Better Plan: The Trouble With Industrial Wind Farms in Wisconsin (http://betterplan.squarespace.com/).
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