Important Health and Safety Documents
2011 Erickson V. Ministry of the Environment.pdf
(645K)Environmental Review Tribunal Decision: Erickson v. Director Ministry of the Environment July 18, 2011 by Environmental Review Tribunal Summary: Ontario's Environmental Review Tribunal ruled that the Appellants of Suncor’s Kent Breeze wind energy facility failed to show that the project, as approved, would cause serious harm to human health. However, the tribunal also found that the evidence demonstrated that there are risks and uncertainties associated with wind turbines which merit further research. In that regard, the Tribunal asserted that future debate should focus on the most appropriate standards rather than “yes or no” arguments about whether turbines can cause harm. The Tribunal’s 223-page ruling provides an in-depth look at the state of current wind farm science and policy. Pages of the decision are devoted to the testimony of each of the witnesses. -
Bethany Final Report.pdf
(2.2M)Comprehensive findings and recommendationsfrom the Town of Bethany Wind Turbine Study Committee. This document contains information about township concerns from planning stages,to decommissioning. Carefully researched with supporting documentation, clearly written, useful. -
Dr. Pierpont-WindTurbineSyndrome.pdf
(67K)Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD, 2006 Paper on Wind Turbine Syndrome: Noise, shadow flicker, and health -
2011 Study links wind turbine noise to sleep disruption
(190K)This study, which is the first controlled study of the effects of IWT noise on sleep and health, shows that those living within 1.4 km of IWT have suffered sleep disruption which is sufficiently severe as to affect their daytime functioning and mental health. -
(1.7M) -
Effects on Health by Noise Radiation From Wind Turbines Installed Near Homes
(985K)A annotated review of expert research and evidence concerning the negative impact of industrial Wind Turbine noise on human health. Hadden & Frey Wind Turbine, February 2007 -
Flight for LifeWEB.jpg
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H is for HELP.pdf
(1.1M) -
Hadden & Frey Wind Turbine effects on Health June 2007.pdf
(985K)Comprehensive document on Wind Turbines effects on health. -
(57K)Health and Safety document regarding Wind Turbine noise. -
HeathHazard Noise,QualityofLife.pdf
(41K)Health and Safety document on wind turbine noise and its effect on quality of life. -
(275K)Expert testimony on the Siting of Wind Turbines With Respect to Noise Emissions and their Health and Welfare Effects on Humans -
Lovko MD rebuttal to noise testimony .pdf
(230K)MUST READ Testimony from Dr. Lovko rebutting Dr. McCunney's findings that wind turbine noise does not have negative health effects. Lovko's testimony points out the many peer-reviewed reports which find there are indeed negative health impacts to wind turbine noise. -
Noise Analysis of Local Law 2, Bolton.pdf
(383K)Document which gives an overview of wind farm noise concerns in a particular community. -
Noise Association.pdf
(3.8M) -
Noise Mitgation Ruling from Canadian Department of Natural Resourse
(55K)Letter to wind plant operator from Canadian Department of Natural Resources ruling that wind plant noise problems must be fixed or the plant must be shut down -
Noise annoyance from wind turbines
(393K)Study from 2003 about wind turbine noise -
Pierpont's Abstract-8-9-08.pdf
(11K)Description of the report on medical problems associated with living too close to industrial wind turbines by Dr.Nina Pierpont. This abstract was updated in August of 2008. The full report is expected sometime this fall. -
VAD press release.pdf
(254K) -
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Wendy Todd Testimony.pdf
(47K)Testimony of a person experiencing health and safety effects of wind turbines. -
Whitehead Letter.pdf
(85K)Response to inquiry regarding health and safety problems caused by wind turbines. Gordon Whitehead is a retired audiologist with 20 years experience at Dalhousie University. He has studied and conducted extensive tests of wind farm noise problems. -
Wind turbines: The Congressional Research Service Report
(662K)US Gov. study which identifies half a mile as the setback beyond which noise and shadow flicker from large wind turbines are not generally a problem -
(363K)Health and Safety document concerning wind turbines, noise and health. -
World Health Organization report on sleep and health.pdf
(489K)WHO report on sleep and health -
phillips WI filed expert report.pdf
(206K)Expert testimony on ample evidence to support need for epidemiological study of large wind turbine impacts on human health -
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