Picture Slideshows > Pictures & Flyers (23) > magnolia-plat--elevation-.jpg
Where do the developers plan to put the turbines? This is the question we all want to know! BPRC contacted EcoEnergy to ask for a map, and were told they had no map to distribute that would be reliable. We then asked if we could assume that the turbines would be sited on the high ground of Magnolia Township and were told that "as a general rule, wind turbines are sited on high, open areas, where there are few obstructions to block the wind." This is a map of where the high grounds are located in our community. There are documented problems from wind turbine noise and shadow flicker for homes located within 1.5 miles of a turbine. Currently, Wisconsin State has no set back law. A wind turbine may be erected less than 1000 feet of a house, school, church, nursing home, community center or other inhabited structure. According to an 8/13/07 article in the Janesville Gazette, the new proposed number of turbines is 67. They are each 40 stories tall. Where will they all go? How close will they be to your home? Please contact EcoEnergy and urge the developer to give our community a map of proposed sites. (Contact Them Here)