Picture Slideshows > Wind Turbines In Place and Being Constructed (66)
Would you buy this house?
When turbines are placed too close to homes, there can be problems with noise and shadow flicker that many people find impossible to live with. The wind industry tells us that turbines like this have no effect on property value. Really??
Home for Sale near Town of Byron, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
This home has been for sale in the Town of Byron for quite awhile. The price has been reduced. Still no buyers.
How far from a fairly priced home would a 40 story turbine have to be before you'd consider buying it?
A closer look at a home that won't sell
This photo was taken on December 8, 2008, Town of Byron, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin.
Another home for sale in the town of Byron
This picture is of another "price reduced" home that isn't selling in the Town of Byron, Fond du Lac county. It's inside of the Invenergy "Forward Energy" industrial wind farm. The turbine to the right in this picture is one of 86 turbines near this home.
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In Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, Industrial turbines were sited as close as 1000 feet from homes of unwilling participants.
Fond Du Lac County Road during turbine construction .jpg
The big equipment needed to haul parts for a 40 story tall machine is heavy enough to tear up rural roads. Fond Du Lac county's roads are still a mess. Who is responsible for fixing them? The wind developer is long gone.
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Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. 2008
Bright Lights, Big Turbine: Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin
The construction of turbines can go on around the clock. Bright lights and construction noise during the first part of the project, and once they are up, flashing red and white strobe lights and the turbine noise around the clock. No quiet. No darkness. Peaceful nights have ended for people in Fond Du Lac county.
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"Pinwheel Junkyard" is one of the nicknames for areas of Fond Du Lac county these days. Take a close look at this picture and see if you can spot the farmhouses and the silos. So many people have affected against their will by these industrial machines.
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This photo shows some of the 86 turbines that are part of the Chicago-based Invenergy wind farm in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin which have changed life for residents there is ways they did not expect. Trouble with noise, shadow flicker and negative health effects are reported throughout the wind farm.
Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin
Turbines tower over barn and silos in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin. The turbines went on line there in March of 2008.
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This house located within an 86 turbine wind farm near the town of Byron, Fond du Lac county. The set back in that area is 1000 feet from an unwilling participant's home.
Would You Buy This House?
If there were two houses that were indentical in every way, but one was by a wind farm and one wasn't -- which one would you buy if you had the choice?
Little Farm under a Big Turbine
The scale of industrial wind turbines is unimaginable to most of us who haven't seen them except from a distance in a car. Though they look as if they are moving slowly, it's because they are so large. The speed at the tip of the blade is anywhere from 75 to 120 miles and hour.
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Fond du Lac County, WI 2008
Fond du Lac County, WI 2008
Wind Turbine Construction Phase
Turbine Blade on Truck in Fond du Lac County, WI
Rural roads have to be widened to accomodate large loads
Turbine Construction Site on Mars Hill in Maine
This is what wind farm construction looks like from a distance. To know what it's like close-up you can watch a video of Mars Hill Residents talking about the impact the windfarm has had on their lives here. If your internet connection isn't fast enough to watch the video, please contact us and we can send you a free DVD. You can email us here or you can write to us at Better Plan, Rock County, PO Box 393, Footville, WI 53537. We're happy to send information! All names and email and postal addresses of those who contact us are kept private and never shared.
Wind Turbines Under Construction
This is a picture from a wind turbine construction site at Backbone Mountain, Tucker County, West Virgina. What is being done here cannot be undone in our lifetimes.
Coming Down the Road
One of the things which people who live near industrial wind turbines tell us is the scale is unimaginable. We think we know how big they are, but until they go up it's very difficult to imagine. Here are pieces of a turbine tower coming down the road.
Semi with Tower Section
Construction which involves such heavy equipment kicks up a lot of dust and is very hard on roads not made to handle them. Road resurfacing in our area costs between $45,000 to $60,000 per mile. Who pays?
Foundations. How deep into the bedrock? What about our water table?
What will be the impact of such foundations on our bedrock and our water table? If our well is spoiled, who will be responsible?
Towers in place
The tower of the wind turbine will carry the nacelle and the rotor. Towers for large wind turbines may be either tubular steel towers, lattice towers, or concrete towers. -
Wind Farm From Above
Visit the Nasa website for more about this picture of a southern California wind farm. Note the array of turbines and the number of individual access roads. This windfarm is in an unpopulated area and has strong, continuous wind.
Turbines in a line
The array of an industrial wind farm can be in a line as shown in this picture, a grid, or in loose or tight clusters. We don't know what sort of array is planned for our community, but with 70 of them between Magnolia and Union Townships, they are sure to affect us all for the next 30 years.
Wind Farm's Long Shadow
Wind turbines can throw flickering shadows for over a mile and a half. There is sharp disaggrement between those who live near turbines and are affected by shadow flicker, and those who want to put wind turbines up. Those with epilepsy, migraine, and those prone to car sickness may be affected by the strobing shadows from the turbines.
How High Up is 400 Feet?
How high is 400 feet? Enough to require special training and equipment to fight any fires that may happen. Enough to require special training and equipment to rescue someone who runs into trouble up there.
Does our township have the ability to fight a fire like this?
Turbine Fire, Minnesota, March 27, 2008 along I-90
CLICK ON EACH PICTURE TO ENLARGE IT. Although we are told problems with turbines are rare, the fact is they happen. This turbine caught fire in our neighbor state of Minnesota on March 27th, 2008. You can see the fire and the smoking chemicals running down the side of the tower. How would you like this 1000 feet from your door? And what could the fire department do about it? Nothing. It's too tall for the fire equipment to reach. The only answer they had was this: "Let it burn."
What We Are Actually Talking About
This is a photo taken in upstate New York, in a landscape not too unlike ours. These are the same size as the ones being proposed for Magnolia and Union Townships. Rotating machines 40 stories tall are going to change things for anyone who lives within a mile of them. There are 67 proposed for Magnolia township.
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Though turbine fires may be rare, when they happen they are difficult to put out. How would our community handle a fire like this? What would happen to the crop below if it were dry and ready for harvest?
West Virginia Before Wind Farm Construction.jpg
Click on the picture to make it larger. How much space does a wind farm take up? Here is a picture of a forested ridgetop in West Virginia before the wind turbines were built.
West Virginia After the Turbines .jpg
This is what was done to make room for eight turbines.
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The heavy equipment and turbine parts can cause damage to rural roads.
Fond du Lac County, WI 2008
Wind Turbine Construction Phase
Fond Du Lac County, WI 2008
Wind Turbine Construction Phase
Fond du Lac County, WI 2008
Wind Turbine Construction Phase
Fond du Lac County, WI 2008
Construction phase
Fond du Lac County, WI 2008
Wind Turbine Construction Phase
Fond du Lac County, WI 2008
Wind Turbine construction phase
Fond Du Lac County, WI
Wind turbine construction phase 2008