12/4/09 Wind Farm Strong-Arm: Wind developers lead, eminent domain follows

Threat of eminent domain hangs in the air over Minnesota wind power project
December  4, 2009 by Tom Steward  

Posted on Friday, December 4, 2009 at 05:47PM by Registered CommenterThe BPRC Research Nerd | Comments Off

12/3/09 What do you do when a 400 foot turbine catches on fire?

Posted on Friday, December 4, 2009 at 12:05AM by Registered CommenterThe BPRC Research Nerd | Comments Off

12/3/09 Wind company buying homes made uninhabitable by turbine noise and shadow flicker. Canadian neighbors share our health concerns about poorly sited wind turbines


[Click here for source]

Selling their home isn’t something Helen and Bruce Fraser wanted to do, but they felt they had no choice. They’d bought the County Road 17 Melancthon property from Bruce’s father, included stonework from Helen’s parents in the design of the house as they built it, and spent 32 years making it their home.

It’s also where they raised their four children.

When talk of a Dufferin county wind farm first started, the Frasers thought it was a great idea. They threw their support behind anything intended to better the environment. But soon after an industrial turbine — about as tall as a 25-storey building (80 metres) — started spinning nearby, they decided they had no choice but to move away.

They’re one of six Dufferin property owners to sell their land to Canadian Hydro Developers (CHD), proponents of the Melancthon EcoPower Centre, the very same operation Fraser is convinced caused their health problems.

“I’d have such a headache I’d be holding my head thinking the top was going to come off my head — that’s how bad it was,” Helen Fraser says.

“We had no idea how they would impact us until they were put up. Basically, we were all for them because we’re for anything that’s green, until [the turbines] started running. Then we started getting the symptoms.”

The Frasers lived near the first phase of the wind farm, which started operation in 2006. Not long after, she says she started to experience headaches, muscle pain, fatigue and a ringing in her ears. Bruce, she says, began having problems with his blood sugar and when the turbine faced a specific direction, their dog would urinate inside the house at night.

They didn’t connect their troubles to the turbines at first. Fraser says that came after they went away on a couple vacations and their symptoms disappeared ... until soon after they returned home.

At the time, Fraser says they lived about 420 metres from the nearest turbine. They now live in Shelburne, several kilometres away from the turbines, where Helen says they’re doing “amazing.”

“I don’t have any of the symptoms that I had before. It’s like day and night. ... We just couldn’t go on living, for health reasons, the way we were living.”

Of the six properties purchased by CHD, Scott Hossie, the company’s Ontario environmental manager, says two were purchased as a result of residents’ health complaints.

“That’s not the preferred outcome for Canadian Hydro. We prefer to find a solution that allows us to continue operating and our neighbours to continue enjoying Melancthon and Amaranth townships. By and large, we’ve been successful in doing so,” he says.

“Really, the concerns about effects on health, or concerns raised by our neighbours of wind turbines with respect to health, are very much the exception.”

CHD purchased the other four properties, Hossie says, for storage and to house construction workers as the turbines were going up.

“It’s my understanding that all these houses, if they’re not needed by Canadian Hydro, will presumably go back onto the market,” he notes.

Hossie declined to talk about which properties were purchased because of residents’ health concerns, explaining CHD and the sellers signed contracts not to discuss their deal.

Fraser says she signed such a contract.

“I can’t discuss the sale,” she says, suggesting CHD could “come back” at her if she did. “I can discuss the turbines, but we can’t discuss the sale of the property.”

Former Seventh Line of Amaranth resident Barbara Ashbee-Lormand says she too signed a similar contract with CHD, which purchased her home.

“At this point, we can state that we and Canadian Hydro Developers Inc. are pleased that we have reached a comprehensive settlement which addresses, to the satisfaction of all parties, the issues that had arisen between us regarding the performance of the General Electric wind turbines at the Melancthon EcoPower Centre,” she wrote in a statement emailed to The Banner. “The parties have all agreed that the specific terms of the settlement will remain confidential.”

Prior to the settlement, she complained vibrations from low frequency noise kept her and her husband, Dennis, up at night. She said they worked “diligently and openly” with CHD to resolve the issue without success, before they hired a lawyer to take up their case, which resulted in a settlement being reached.

The majority of people living near the local turbines don’t appear to suffer the symptoms experienced by some nearby residents.

“We’re having no problems at all,” says Melancthon’s Randy Nielsen, speaking for his wife and two teenage children. “We’re surrounded by turbines.

“We’ve had people come to visit and they all like them.”

Of about 300 neighbours, the Ministry of the Environment has received complaints from 17 regarding the Melancthon EcoPower Centre.

“If you have problems with wind turbines in your home, and you’re really having difficulty, the wind industry will eventually settle with you,” suggests Dr. Bob McMurtry, a former member of the Health Council of Canada and former dean of medicine at the University of Western Ontario.

“It’s worked out best for (the wind industry) if they keep those things quiet. There’s no requirement by the government for the wind industry to report settlements.”

McMurtry acknowledges he has spoken on behalf of Wind Concerns Ontario (WCO) — a grassroots group dedicated to raising the profile of health complaints from people living near turbines — but maintains he has no formal affiliation with the group.
Like WCO, McMurtry is convinced of a link between wind turbines and public health problems — a link other health professionals, government officials and wind industry leaders insist has never been proven.

“Despite individual concerns on occasion, peer-reviewed literature has never indicated any trend associated with health effects coming from wind turbines,” says Hossie. “From Canadian Hydro’s perspective, if anybody has a concern, we deal with it proactively on a case-by-case basis. We certainly do take those very seriously.”

Most of the time, he says, noise complaints are mitigated through routine maintenance and upkeep of the turbines.

“In North America, we now have more than 10,000 wind turbines operating. Concerns that have been expressed with respect to health impacts across that entire fleet are few and far between,” adds Robert Hornung, president of the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA). “Our common understanding is that the overwhelming majority of people who live near wind turbines actually have a quite positive experience and are living productively and harmoniously with those turbines.”

McMurtry takes a different perspective on the existing literature.

“It’s remarkable. [Turbines] been around [in Canada] for over 20 years and no one’s done an adequate study to demonstrate their safety,” the doctor says.

He believes a “proper” study of the issue would take about five years to complete, with a budget of at least $1 million to complete the work.
“The only people with the resources to do that kind of thing ... is either the industry, which won’t happen I imagine, and certainly the government is responsible too, and haven’t done so.”


By Heather Rivers



3 December 2009

EZT councillors have added their voice to a call for an embargo on industrial wind turbine projects until more studies on their health effects become available.

In a recorded vote, five of the six EZT councillors voted in favour of the carefully worded resolution designed to show their support for a moratorium.

Coun. Clive Lawry was the only councillor to vote against the resolution.

The resolution requested the Province of Ontario “impose a moratorium on all industrial wind turbine projects currently being considered until such time as the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Tourism have time to review medical, economic and environmental studies relating to industrial wind turbine development and undertake any additional studies or reviews necessary to create realistic guidelines to assure the health and economic well being of those living in proximity to industrial wind turbine developments.”

The resolution was to be forwarded to the premier of Ontario, Minister of Health, Minister of the Environment and Energy, MPP Ernie Hardeman, MP Dave MacKenzie, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and all other Oxford municipalities.

Their request follows a resolution by Zorra Township on Nov. 17 that also requested a wind turbine moratorium.

Zorra councillors passed a resolution in support of a petition presented to them by concerned citizens of Uniondale and Cobble Hills, who want to stop a local wind turbine project in Zorra Township.

The petition urged a halt to construction of wind turbines within a two-kilometre radius of any residence until a third party conducts an in-depth study of the effects of wind turbines on local residents.

The Zorra resolution also included a request that the provincial government require the environmental assessment to be reviewed by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and chief medical officer of health for Ontario, and that minimum distances set out in the Green Energy Act be applied to all homes, not just neighbouring properties.

In February, county council also called on the federal and provincial government to dedicate more resources to scientific studies for low frequency noise, and electrical and electromagnetic disturbances in areas of industrial wind turbines.


The list of those demanding a moratorium on the construction of wind turbines in the local area continues to grow.

Grey County council joined the chorus of those demanding a moratorium on the construction of wind turbines at its regular meeting held on November 24. County council passed a resolution asking the provincial government to study the health affects turbines have on people more comprehensively before allowing further turbines to be built.

Former Warden and the longest serving member of county council Howard Greig brought forward a resolution asking for the province to impose a moratorium immediately until health affects are clearly studied.

“There’s no denying – in my mind – these can affect your health if you’re too close to them,” said Greig, the Mayor of Chatsworth. “We need an independent, third party study to say where these turbines should be so there is no affect on the health of our citizens,” he said.

Greig’s resolution received immediate support from Grey Highlands Mayor Brian Mullin. Currently there is a large-scale wind turbine proposal for Grey Highlands and citizens in that municipality have been fighting for the province to study the health affects of the massive machines.

“There is a wealth of information out there. Before our landscape is covered with large numbers of these turbines it’s time the province sorted out the wheat from the chaff,” said Mullin, who said provincial regulations on wind turbines aren’t based on any data from what he can tell. “The province has imposed a setback of 550 metres for them. I have not seen the studies used to determine that setback number. I think that number was just pulled out by the bureaucrats,” he said.

The moratorium received wide support from the vast majority of county councillors at the meeting. In a recorded vote it passed 76-15. Grey County council has now joined local Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Bill Murdoch in calling for a moratorium on the construction of industrial wind turbines until studies about their affects on people living nearby are completed. The province recently rammed through the Green Energy Act that takes away local planning authority on energy projects deemed by the province to be “green.”

Southgate Mayor Don Lewis objected to the county’s resolution. Lewis said Southgate has a large wind turbine project right next door to it near Shelburne and he hasn’t heard about too many problems with them.

“Do we have any authority or any right to ask for this? What’s the point? Other than to make us feel warm and fuzzy,” Lewis questioned.

Both Meaford Mayor Francis Richardson and Deputy Mike Traynor also voted against the resolution proposed by Greig.


Posted on Thursday, December 3, 2009 at 02:25PM by Registered CommenterThe BPRC Research Nerd | Comments Off

12/02/09 You'll wonder where they stimulus money went: The wind developer wolf gets a tug on its (green) sheep's clothing  

Huffing and puffing over wind power
 December  2, 2009 by Jeremy Moule in City Newspaper


Posted on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 at 02:10PM by Registered CommenterThe BPRC Research Nerd | Comments Off

11/30/09 The problem that won't go away: What happens when you site industrial scale wind turbines too close to homes? 

Our wind farm resident quote of the day:

"The noise is constant, some days louder than others. It is not noise I enjoy or choose to be around. It is noise I cannot escape."


Wind Turbine Syndrome: Clinical study of heath effects of large wind turbines published

[Click here to read at source]

Rowe, Mass., Nov. 28, 2009 — Dr. Nina Pierpont, a pediatrician and population biologist in Malone, New York, has announced the publication of her book-length study Wind Turbine Syndrome: A Report on a Natural Experiment. [1]

In interviews with ten families living 1,000-4,900 feet away from recently built industrial-size wind turbines, a “cluster” of symptoms was revealed: from sleep disturbance, which affected almost everyone, to headache to tinnitus, vertigo, nausea, irritability, memory and concentration problems, and panic episodes. Industrial wind turbines have a total height of 300-400 feet or more, with blades of 125-150 feet that sweep 1.5-2 acres of vertical airspace.

The book includes supportive reviews and notices by several noted physicians in related disciplines. Although primarily directed towards medical professionals, it includes an informative and often poetic version for the lay audience.

The individuals affected by Wind Turbine Syndrome noticed that they developed symptoms after the turbines near their homes started turning. Symptoms were relieved when they left the area and resumed on their return. Eight of the ten families eventually moved away from their homes because of the severity of the symptoms.

Although not everyone living near turbines is subject to these symptoms, the data Pierpont presents are a concern, considering the current political drive to construct more and ever larger industrial wind turbines close to people’s homes, as well as in the habitats of other equally or more sensitive animals.

Pierpont’s sample size was large enough to show that individuals with pre-existing migraines, motion sensitivity, or inner ear damage are particularly vulnerable. People with anxiety or other mental health problems are not particularly susceptible, she says, contradicting the common claim of industry developers that “it’s all in their head”.

“This report is a public health wake-up call that our elected officials and administrators need to take very seriously”, said Eric Rosenbloom, president of National Wind Watch, a clearinghouse for information about the adverse effects of industrial wind energy development.

Pierpont and other health and noise experts agree that at a minimum, large wind turbines should be 2 kilometers (1-1/4 miles) from any residence. [2]

According to Pierpont, low-frequency noise or vibration from the wind turbines acts on the balance organs of the inner ear to make the body think it is moving. And this misperception of motion affects other brain functions, including physical reflexes, spatial processing and memory, and physiological fear responses (such as pounding heart and nausea).

1. Santa Fe, NM: K-Selected Books. See http://www.windturbinesyndrome.com/.
2. http://www.wind-watch.org/ww-noise-health.php.

Japanese Government to study effects of wind farms on health

The Environment Ministry will launch its first major study into the influence of wind turbines on people’s health next year, it has been learned.

Much is expected of wind power as a source of clean energy, but people living near wind power facilities are increasingly complaining of health problems. The low-frequency sound produced by the wind turbines at such facilities–sound that is difficult to discern with the naked ear–is suspected of causing such conditions as insomnia, tinnitus and hand tremors.

Due to a lack of substantiating data, the ministry has deemed it necessary to study the matter. It will launch a four-year examination of all 1,517 wind turbines in the country in April.

The study will try to ascertain to what extent health problems are being caused by the low-frequency sound, through such means as questioning local residents.

It will examine the relationship between wind turbines’ operating hours and the times of day when people’s health deteriorates. It also will make continual measurements of such elements as the level of the low-frequency sound.

The study’s attempt to determine the causality between the low-frequency sound and health problems will take into account such factors as weather conditions and the distance between homes and wind power facilities.

Posted on Monday, November 30, 2009 at 07:51AM by Registered CommenterThe BPRC Research Nerd | Comments Off