Lone Rock, Near Footville, Rock County, Wisconsin Ink painting by Spring Valley Resident, Kevin Kawula
Who We Are
Better Plan, Wisconsin (BPWI) is an all volunteer, independent Wisconsin-based community group whose mission is to provide verifiable information about industrial wind turbine projects in our state. We take no political position and we do not accept donations or outside funding of any sort. We are Badgers helping Badgers.
We represent and advocate for a wide variety of wind farm residents and members of rural communities targeted by wind developers. These include crop farmers, dairy farmers, teachers, truck-drivers, nurses, fire-fighters, engineers, home makers, small business owners, and postal workers and many retirees.
We believe our farmland and natural resources are of great value and this value will increase rapidly with time. We believe wind developers know this too and are very eager to make deals with residents in our state. We believe this interest will only increase.
We know renewable energy is a Wisconsin state priority with many tax incentives, and the technology is advancing quickly. We believe that in the near future there will be many more choices for renewable energy development our state, and given the fact that Wisconsin has low wind resources in comparison to neighboring states, alternatives to industrial wind energy systems may be a better fit.
Wisconsin currently has just over 300 turbines in operation and these turbines are generating complaints from families within half a mile.
To meet the State's mandated energy goal. 12,000 to 14,000 wind turbines will need to be sited by 2024. This means that tens of thousands of Wisconsin residents will be impacted.
We wish, above all, to help keep communities united during this process. If you are a landowner who wishes to host wind turbines or a land owner who wants no part of it, we want to provide information which will be of help. We are dismayed by documented reports of Wisconsin communities being torn apart by wind turbine issues. We believe our rural communities are non-renewable resources that we must protect and preserve.
We are especially alarmed by the events in Wisconsin’s Lincoln Township, which experienced bitter divisions before the wind farm went up and major problems afterward, resulting in a moratorium on construction of additional wind turbines in their community.
These events have been echoed by Wisconsin wind farm residents having trouble living with the PSC approved setbacks in wind farms which have gone on line over the last two years in the towns of Marshfield, Johnsburg, Byron, Oakfield, Iron Ridge and more.
We believe the questions of every resident or landowner on either side of the issue deserves respectful consideration and honest answers and protection and preservation of health and safety as provided by law.
Whether you want wind turbines on your land, or don't, or or whether you live near someone who does, you will need reliable information on lease agreements, set-back laws, changes in your insurance rates and liability coverage, changes in your property values, documented health and safety concerns for people and livestock associated with living within a mile of industrial wind turbines.
If you know someone who would like more information but is not on line, we are happy to send printed information and an informational DVD at no charge.
Please write us:
Better Plan, Rock County
P.O. Box 393
Footville, WI 53537