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2/2/10 Wind Wars: Wind industry continues to deny negative health impact in spite of increasing numbers of complaints from wind farm residents AND Let's review: What do night time noise levels have to do with an increased risk of coronary heart disease?

“The new data indicate that noise pollution is causing more deaths from heart disease than was previously thought."
 “Until now, the burden of disease related to the general population’s exposure to environmental noise has rarely been estimated in nonoccupational settings at the international level.”
---Deepak Prasher, professor of audiology, University College in London
Click on image below to hear what turbines sound like on a bad day in a Wisconsin wind farm. The variety of wind turbine sounds and the pulsing quality that so many complain about is audible here.
The turbine in this video is 1100 feet from the residence. Recorded by Larry Wunsch, fire fighter and resident of the Invenergy Forward Energy project near the Town of Byron in Fond du Lac County.

February  2, 2010
by Kristin Choo  

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