« 4/12/10 Video of Entire April 7th Wind Siting Council Meeting is now on YouTube | Main | 4/9/10 Vice Chair of Wind Siting Council is from Rock County AND What's on the WSC docket? AND Watch the April 7th Wind Siting Council Meeting »

4/12/10 Why aren't the turbines turning? Why is the road repair undone? Why are the landowners mad? And why won't the project developer answer inquiries from Rock County?

Note from the BPWI Research Nerd: Acciona,the Spanish company mentioned in the following article, bought the rights to a wind project proposed for the Town of Magnolia in Rock County, and owns the contracts with landowners who signed on with EcoEnergy. The current status of the project is unknown. Better Plan has made repeated efforts to contact Acciona Project Developer Jeff Hammond to find out what Acciona's plans are for Rock County. He has thusfar been unwilling to give an on-the-record reply.
Next phases blow in; Local wind farm project moving forward
April 10, 2010
by Travis Morse  

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