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3/15/12 Breaking news: wind developers lied to residents. Wait... I guess that's really old news and no surprise

From West Virginia


Cumberland Times-News, times-news.com 14 March 2012 ~~

I am writing this letter to inform Mineral County residents of the noise that is heard from the newly installed wind farm on Green Mountain.

I was a supporter of the wind farm and the jobs it would create for Mineral County. I am also a member of the Community Advisory Panel that was formed to inform the public about wind turbines and there advantages.

I will state that the information provided to me and others was not truthful. Also, my neighbors and I were invited to meetings demonstrating the wind turbines and the noise level they would make.

It was stated to us that we would hear a swooshing sound such as a wave of the ocean coming into shore. I will tell you that the sound we are hearing is a jet plane or a locomotive coming in the house. This is totally a different sound than an ocean.

My wife and I drove to several different wind farm sites at Mt. Storm, W.Va.; Thomas, W.Va.; and Berlin, Pa., to hear the noises the wind turbines would make. Believe me, it is nothing close to the sound of these turbines.

I will state that my wife and I are not against green energy or anything that would possibly create jobs in our county. I would ask anybody to come to Green Mountain and listen to the noise and ask yourself would you want to put up with this noise at your homes.

I would also ask to help us fight this battle so that companies such as US wind Force (which built this project) will not be able to mislead any other communities as they did us.

Also, help us get our elected officials to get behind us and support us. We, the residents on the mountain, have sent a letter to the Public Service Commission to help with the issue. I have asked our county commissioners to help, but was told by one that we wanted them so deal with it (she will be up for election).

If anybody can help us please do so. We all would like to sleep at night the same as everyone else. Please do not hesitate to call Edison Mission to request they shut the turbines down at night. Thanks for any help.

Donald C. Ashby Jr.

Keyser, W.Va.

Posted on Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 09:24PM by Registered CommenterThe BPRC Research Nerd | Comments Off

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