12/2/07 Worried About the Turbines Coming In? What You Can Do About It Right This Minute.
What can you do this right this minute? Write an email and hit the send button---
There is a proposal to change who gets to set the rules when wind developers decide they want to build in your town. It will strip away local power to write the wind ordinance for each township and it would limit the ability of people to oppose wind development.
A community member sent us an email after he read the template of the proposed permitting changes which said, "We want renewable energy but this feels like a corporate take over"
Tell your legislators you want to keep wind ordinance writing in the hands of the people who are going to have to live with the turbines. Tell them you don't want them to pass legislation that takes away the power of local township government to favor wind developers. Ask them to slow this whole thing down. There are just too many questions about people being able to live safely among 400 foot tall, rotating, industrial scale machines. There are too many recent questions about efficiency, environmental impacts, and, how much they will actually reduce Co2 in an area of intermittent wind like ours where they will always rely on coal-fired plants as back up.
The public is asked to comment on this proposed permitting change and the Governor's Task Force provides a direct email address. We urge you to submit a comment, it really does make a difference. please e-mail it to DNRGLOBALWARMTFCOMMENTS@Wisconsin.gov.
We also urge you to also contact your legislators and tell them not to take away our local power by adopting this policy reform.
Governor Jim Doyle
Office of the Governor
115 East State Capitol
Madison, WI 53072
* The Honorable Herb Kohl
United States Senate
330 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4903
* The Honorable Russell Feingold
United States Senate
506 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4903
(Find your local representatives and get their contact information at the Wisconsin State Legislature website by clicking here)