8/22/08 PART 2: What's that smell? Is there something rotten in the way of wind developers?
At what point does an offer of money become bribery?
Today's post is from a slide show that accompanies the New York Times article about the opportunities for corruption wind developers bring to struggling rural communities. Sadly, this is a story being told all across the nation.
Here in Rock County we are happy to have the kind of town board members and P&Z members we do. Without their honesty and openness we could be at the mercy of the kind of wind developers who have been roaming our area, ones who don't mind tearing apart a community in order to make buck. Developers who say 1000 feet from our doors is a fine place to put a 40 story tall machine with known noise issues and other problems. Developers who complain about the ordinances like the one adopted in the town of Magnolia with a 2640 foot setback from residences. They say it will ruin the profitability of their project, even though this ordinance still allows willing landowners to sign a waiver that lets them have a turbine 1000 feet from their homes. And it allows willing neighbors to do the same. What it doesn't allow is for someone to force any resident to live with a 400 foot tall machine 1000 feet from their house if they don't want it there.
The developers want the right to use this force on our communities.
Only our local board members can protect us. Only our local board members can remember that the money the developers are offering our townships comes out of our own pockets in the form of huge tax subsidies the wind farm developers rely on. Huge tax subsidies which make it profitable for a company to put a wind farm in a place with a low wind resource. A place with a high population. A place like our own Rock County, Wisconsin.
With the tax subsidies and carbon credits these wind farms will still be profitable for the developers even if they don't produce much electricity at all.
And where does that all that tax money come from?
And did we mention that the wind farm proposed for Rock County will be owned by a company in Spain?
What's that smell? Something is rotten in the way of wind development in this country.
To read an article about wind development and corruption click here.
See the slide show at its source by clicking here.Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
A wind turbine in a cornfield dwarfs a truck near Malone.
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times
Photo: Christinne Muschi for The New York Times