12/31/09 Cash for Wind Leases: OR "I'll give you this big nickel for that little dime"
Golden Opportunity or Another Green Cheese Sandwich?
Some say the success of the wind industry relies on empty cupboards in rural communities.
Struggling rural families who have signed on with wind developers now have a new industry to contend with, one that will pay out a lump sum in exchange for ownership of the wind lease and all that goes with it.
It reminds us of the many 'Check-into-Cash' or 'Payday Loans' stores that appear in blighted communities.
This quote is from an organization called "Wind Farm Capital" CLICK HERE to read at source
"Get an Upfront Lump Sum Cash Payment by Selling Wind Farm Lease"
"Financial Benefits of Selling Your Wind Farm Lease to Wind Farm Capital"
"In today’s economic climate, consumers and businesses alike are feeling the impact of the credit market squeeze, and finding it virtually impossible to secure capital, regardless of their credit history.
But Wind Farm Capital can provide a quick, easy, and welcome alternative by converting your wind farm lease royalties payment into a lump sum cash payment.
We provide the cash up front; there are no loan applications to fill out, no interest payments to budget for, and best of all, no default scenarios to worry about - no matter what happens to the lease down the road. Even if your lease terminates for some reason, you owe us nothing.
With multiple years’ worth of lease payments in your hands now, your options suddenly become endless. Whether you choose to pay down your existing debt, plan for your future, or invest in the market, the reward for each is similar - a windfall that leads to greater financial freedom, security, and long-term wealth."
NOTE FROM THE BPWI RESEARCH NERD: Please consult a lawyer before you sell your wind lease to anyone.
"By 2020, Xcel Energy [formerly Florida Power and Light] plans to more than double wind capacity system-wide from 2,800 megawatts to 7,000 megawatts.
Engelking said Xcel will buy or develop 3,000 megawatts of that power for its system in Minnesota or Wisconsin. She said the utility will focus on developing wind because tax benefits reduce energy costs to consumers."
NOTE FROM THE BPWI RESEARCH NERD: Wisconsin has just over 300 industrial scale turbines at present.
This proposal from Xcel for 3,000 megawatts of wind power requires the installation of at least two thousand 1.5MW turbines. Each turbine is close to 40 stories tall.
Xcel is not the only developer planning projects in our state. In order to meet the Governor's Task Force on Global warming recommendations, at least 14,000 more turbines need to be sited.
A new wind farm planned for the Town of Glenmore in Brown County calls for turbines 500 feet tall, or as tall as a 50 story building. This will make them the tallest structures in the state of Wisconsin.
"The CH Energy Group, owner of the New York utility Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation, holds a controlling interest in the project via its unregulated subsidiary Central Hudson Enterprises."