5/13/10 A tale of two doctors speaking on problems with wind turbine noise: One doctor read about the trouble and decided there is no trouble, the other doctor conducted first hand medical interviews with people living within 3500 feet of industrial scale wind turbines and has come to a different conclusion.
Home for sale, Blue Sky/ Green Field project, Fond du Lac County, WI Photo: Jim Bembinster
On May 6th, 2010 two doctors gave presentations about wind turbine noise at the Rutland Regional Medical Center in Rutland, Vermont.
Robert J. McCunney, M.D. was one of the doctors hired by both the American Wind Energy Association and the Canadian Wind Energy Association to review existing peer-reviewed literature about possible negative health effects from wind turbines noise. He is credited as being one of the seven authors of a white paper called "Wind Turbine Sound and Health Effects: An Expert Panel Review" which found no negative health effects from wind turbine noise.
Michael Nissenbaum, M.D. is specialist in diagnostic imaging, whose training and work involves developing and utilizing an understanding of the effects of energy deposition, including sound, on human tissues. He is a former Associate Director of MRI at a major Harvard hospital, a former junior faculty member at Harvard University. He conducted medical interviews with residents of the Mars Hill wind project in Maine, and with a control group of residents who live three miles from the project. His conclusions were quite different than those of the AWEA/CANWEA funded study.
The findings of these two medical professionals are detailed in a presentation which has been posted on YouTube in ten minute segments.
Click on the links below to watch
Part One: Introduction and opening remarks by Dr. McCunney
Part Four: Conclusion by Dr. McCunney, Opening remarks by Dr. Nissenbaum
Part Seven: Dr. Nissenbaum concluding remarks and questions for Dr. Nissenbaum and Dr. McCunney