10/11/11 Show me the study: Wisconsin senator's bill requires health effects of wind turbines to be studied.
By Kristin Byrne
SOURCE: www.wbay.com
October 10, 2011
A state senator is on a mission to make sure wind turbines don’t hurt peoples’ health.
“We owe it to ourselves as legislators, and as a state and country, to not harm people when new things come down the pike,” Senator Frank Lasee (R-De Pere) said.
Senator Lasee is introducing a bill calling for a health study on wind turbines.
The bill would impose a moratorium on future wind turbine construction until the Public Service Commission receives a study from the Department of Health Services on turbines’ health impact on people and animals in three ways:
The impacts of low-frequency sound
How turbines affect people and animals in different proximity to the systems
Any differences associated with various wind speeds and directions
Senator Lasee was in the Town of Glenmore on Monday promoting the piece of legislation.
“There’s information coming in from around the world where they’ve had windmills longer that there are health effects,” Lasee said.
Lasee says he’s done his research on wind turbines and he’s heard from his constituents.
“I’ve seen enough now in my own district and elsewhere of people actually moving out of their homes it’s gotten so bad,” he said.
Before more turbines are raised, he thinks a study should be done on how they can impact your health.
“I don’t know that it’s going to help us, because we already have the windmills here, but hopefully it will help other families from having to go through,” Darrel Cappelle, who lives in Glenmore, said.
Cappelle and his wife Sarah say ever since eight turbines started running right by their home about a year ago, the constant hum has given them headaches, a good night’s sleep sometimes isn’t an option, and they think that’s why they’re getting sick more often.
“If you get a cold, it’ll last three weeks instead of three days,” Cappelle said.
Cappelle doesn’t know for sure if his family’s health problems are directly related to the turbines, but a study might answer that question.
“We need to have a real scientific study or use data from around the world. There are plenty of other studies out there to prove that this is causing harm to people,” Senator Lasee said.
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