3/1/12 Wisconsin's dirty (electricity) secret: dumping neutral current and ruining lives
The Cap Times, host.madison.com 29 February 2012 ~~
Will the Public Service Commission continue to promote dangerous utility practices and sacrifice Wisconsin rural health for big wind profits this March?
Electrical pollution tests conducted by Dave Stetzer at the Shirley Wind Project in Brown County reveal electrical pollution levels to be severely unsafe, not meeting the standards of the World Health Organizations and the Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
By law utilities are allowed to dump 70 percent of the neutral current into the ground, creating deadly health effects which are amplified by wind turbine generation. Had the Electrical Bill of Rights been passed in 2003, this practice would be illegal. But because of the successful lobbying efforts of the utilities and wind developers, legislators turned a blind eye to the harm caused by such electrical dumping on an already-undersized grid. Various IEEE and university studies prove that contact voltage over 20mV (millivolt) is a health concern. Dave Stetzer’s tests reveal 200mV to 600mV contact at faucet to floor on the homes near wind turbines.
Another issue is electromagnetic frequency (EMF) that is created by variable speed wind turbine generators not properly filtered at generation. These EMFs enter the homes and barns via ground contact and power lines. Stetzer’s tests demonstrate that the Shirley wind turbines have amplified the problem to the point that people are experiencing severe health issues. His tests shows EMF radiation exposure between 16 to 25kHz (kilohertz) and IEEE studies prove that anything over 1.7kHz of radiation absorbs internally within our bodies, leading to problems such as cancer and heart disease. Wisconsin has no standards on EMFs.
Dave Stetzer is internationally known for his engineering ability to solve and prevent electrical pollution problems. For more information look on the Internet for Dr. Magda Havas, Dave Stetzer, and electrical pollution-wind turbines.
Jerome Hlinak
Two Rivers