5/17/08 What's an "Implant" ? What's a NIMBY? What can happen if I just say NO to wind developers? Can they really use my land anyway? What's Eminent Domain?
Those of us who want safe setbacks from industrial wind turbines are used to being called names by wind developers. It's to be expected. They are salesmen trying to make money, and the way to make that money is to build as many wind turbines as possible, placing them as close as 1000 feet from our homes whether we want them there or not. When we question this, it's understandable that they would try to shut us down in any way they can. After all, that's just business as usual, right?
But when an elected official does this to members of his own community who have gone to him with serious complaints about the trouble they are having living amid the wind turbines, it's much more than just business as usual. Click here to watch Milwaukee News anchor Ted Perry speak out about local officials in Byron, Wisconsin who have turned their backs on the troubles the wind turbines have brought to the people in their community.
Below is the transcript of what Milwaukee anchorman Ted Perry had to say on May 7 during the channel six evening news: (To watch the story on wind turbines he was commenting on, click here)
"I learned a few thing researching our story on wind turbines. Lesson one, few people are actually against them but many people are against the irresponsible placement of wind turbines, and there's a big difference.
Lesson two, a lot of bad blood could have been and should have been prevented. you see the state required more wind energy but left a lot specifics of placement up to local government. And after talking to a few of those officials, I had a better sense of the frustration land owners like Larry Wunsch feel. Larry moved to the country years before this project began and told developers he didn't want turbines on his land and felt townships officials didn't listen to his group when they listed their concerns. Now he's surrounded by them.
One of those elected officials told me off camera that the complainers are 'implants' and not old stand-by people-- his words. Really?
Larry's a fire- fighter, an occupation that requires a solid stand-by personality, don't you think? He's also lived in the township for 15 years.
Another town official refused and on-camera interview after saying he'd do one but insists he'd vote for them again. I went to his house. You cannot see or hear the wind turbines from his place it's worth noticing.
Madison needs to give the Public Service Commission what it asks for. The ability to step in to hear the complaints of those people who have been left twisting in the wind of a multi-million dollar movement.
And this, an editorial from today's Fond Du Lac Reporter from a Byron Resident living near turbines. It's in response to a letter from a Mr. Gary Trew that ran on May 8th. (Click here to read it at the source)
by Sandy Vercauteren
Byron, Wisconsin
Mr. Trew, I am not an engineer so I cannot comment on topics 1 through 4, but I am a health-care professional and a homeowner who lives in the wind factory, and would like to correct topic No. 5.
Wind turbines are noisy a lot of the time — very noisy.
There are two sounds, a motor drone and an intermittent whooshing sound. The noise is constant, loud and penetrating. This noise penetrates my house; especially my bedroom at night, when it is at its loudest because of the cool air at ground level. This noise is with my windows closed. Disturbing your sleep, yes; good for your health, no.
Your comment that this is a noise crickets can drown out is wrong. The sound from the turbines drowns out the noise of the crickets. It's obvious you have not experienced turbine noise in your bedroom.
I challenge your definition of wind opponents. Most of us have lived in our homes many years, myself over 30 years. We are small business owners, health-care workers and firefighters. We go to church, work every day, and pay taxes. You rue the loss of prime farmland to McMansions. Who is selling them the land? What about the 25 miles of prime farmland paved as access roads to the turbines?
Your comment that we have "not-in-my-backyard attitudes" makes me wonder if this happened to your parents' or children's homes, would you be so vociferous about other people's complaints, or would you tell your family members to just "suck it up."
Maybe you need to listen closer. We don't say we are against wind power, but these turbines do not belong near homes; making people suffer consequences of flicker, noise and flashing lights, that affect the "salability" of their homes, their retirement, their life investments, their peace of mind or their health.
I hope the other facts presented in your letter have more credibility than those concerning noise. I feel the wind factory is an example of big business pushing its agendas without ethical considerations.
Sandy Vercauteren is a Byron resident.
Wind energy and eminent domain
(Posted May 14, 2008 at windaction.org. Click here for source)Last month, at a special meeting of the Prattsburgh, NY town board, the board voted 3-2 to adopt a resolution authorizing commencement of eminent domain proceedings against landowners unwilling to sign easement agreements with UPC Wind (recently renamed First Wind), a private wind energy developer seeking to erect 36 turbines across dozens of private parcels in town. Following a presentation by UPC on the project plan, the board voted on the resolution. Windaction.org was told that public input from the nearly 100 attendees was explicitly prohibited. An unidentified uniformed individual was on hand to subdue anyone trying to speak.
The resolution cited names and addresses of eight landowners whose property will be condemned to allow UPC Wind to construct, install, and operate underground electrical lines between the wind turbines, and from the turbines to the project substation. Without their consent, the project was stalled.
Just prior to the vote, Board member Charles Shick requested that Town Supervisor Harold McConnell recuse himself stating McConnell admitted to accepting "real estate commissions in at least one land deal last fall involving UPC." McConnell refused and cast the tie-breaking vote. With the deed done, McConnell informed attendees they will be able to express their concerns at a public hearing of the Board to be scheduled within thirty days.
Armed with the threat of eminent domain, UPC Wind and its agents wasted no time pursuing the affected landowners. Windaction.org has learned that landowners are being told to accept a negotiated settlement with UPC rather than lose control of their land by force. As of this writing, we know of one landowner who has caved to UPC's pressure.
Prattsburgh, NY, UPC/First Wind, and Eminent Domain: an update
Last week, Windaction.org reported on the April 21 vote by the Prattsburgh, NY Town Board to initiate eminent domain proceedings against eight (8) specific properties in town and other properties, if needed, as referenced in the resolution adopted. The Board's action was intended to force residents in the community to concede control of their land to UPC Wind (recently renamed First Wind), a private wind energy developer seeking to erect 36 turbines across dozens of private parcels.
The Board has since scheduled a public hearing for Thursday, May 22, to permit public input on this matter. Those property owners who wish to challenge the condemnation of their property may only do so based on the issues, facts and objections raised at the hearing on the 22nd. Blindsided by the board's vote last month, property owners have only 30 days to understand the gravity of the situation and to mount a fight for their rights. It remains to be seen whether the "public good" will be served by a land taking, but one thing is for sure: These happenings in Plattsburgh, NY, set a dangerous precedent.