8/15/08 Can the state force us to give up our Flight of Life access in order to site a wind farm in our community?
Wind developers EcoEnergy have proposed to site 67 wind turbines in the town of Magnolia's 36 square miles. They won't tell us where they will be or how they will be clustered.
They don't seem to care that the township has passed an ordinance which gives our homes a safe setback of half a mile. They've said they'll just go to the Public Service Commission and get them to approve the project.
And they certainly don't seem to care that their project will mean Flight for Life helicopters will no longer be able to land parts of Magnolia township. Why should they care? They don't live here. None of their families live here.
But what about those of us who do live here?
What happens if the state passes legislation that will force Wisconsin Communities to accept 40 story industrial turbines 1000 feet from our doors and force members of our community to give up access to Flight For Life?
Five minutes of your time will make all the difference.