Entries in wisconsin psc wind (1)

3/31/10 No Foolin'! Second Wind Siting Council Meeting Tomorrow, April 1st, and "What's on the WSC Docket?"

The next Wind Siting Council meeting is Thursday, April 1, 2010 at 1:30 pm 

-Developing guiding principles- Developer/owner responsibility

Public Service Commission Building
610 North Whitney Way, Madison, Wisconsin

[Click here for map]

CLICK HERE to download a copy of the agenda

CLICK HERE to find out who is on the siting council


Visit the docket by CLICKING HERE. The docket number to enter is 1-AC-231

Public comment from Brown County resident regarding setbacks being measured from property lines, March 30, 2010

 Proper siting of industrial wind turbines is perhaps the most crucial and overlooked aspect of the wind power debate. The turbines proposed for the Ledge Wind project and other state projects are industrial machines - they have no business being placed near people's homes, workplaces, schools, or farms.

It is also imperative that setbacks are measured from property lines, not simply from the center of buildings. People live not just in their homes, but also on their lands. A person's plans for their property should not be impeded because an industrial turbine is placed too close to their lotline.

According to "Simple guidelines for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks", authors George W. Kamperman and Richard R. James state that "no Wind Turbine or group of turbines shall be located so as to cause an exceedance of the pre-construction/operation background sound levels by more than 5 dBA" at the receiving property. To meet that criteria, turbines would need to be located at least 1 km (0.62 mi) from homes.

Dr. Nina Pierpont has been studying adverse health effects related to industrial turbines, and concludes that turbines should be sited no closer than 2 km (1.24 mi) from residences. The low frequency noise and infrasound produced by wind turbines is showing to be hazardous to good health; identical symptoms are being reported from all around the world, a serious red flag.

To limit the health consequences and maximize safety, industrial wind turbines should be sited, at a BARE minimum, no closer than 1 km from property lines. Even better would be 2 km. To do any less is reprehensible and irresponsible, and risks the health and safety of Wisconsin residents. 

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Amy Schauland

Public comment from Brown County resident regarding WSC record keeping and wildlife concerns: March 31, 2010

I attended the first meeting of the Wind Siting Council and was concerned that no secretary of the proceedings had bee[n] selected. In a recent call to Deborah Erwin, I was happy to hear that minutes of the meeting would be taken and put on the PSC website. Also, efforts are being made to broadcast the meetings through the internet again on the PSC website. Thank you Deborah for arranging full coverage of the panel's discussions.

Too much is at stake here. Not only the health and safety of 1,040 families who did not sign turbine contracts with Invenery and live within a half mile of the potential turbine sitings in the Ledge Wind Energy Plan, but also the wildlife that uses the ledge and it's cuesta as their home. This is the time of year when we see and hear the sandhill cranes, swans, red-tailed hawks, and even mature bald eagles that fly within the updrafts from the face of the rocks. This is a major migration route of so many species of birds. Flocks of small songbirds use these wind currents to help carry them to more northern nesting sites. Canadian geese use the terrain and Lake Michigan to guide them to the Hudson Bay region in Canada to raise their young.

I noticed that there was no DNR wildlife biologist on your panel. That is something that needs to be addressed by the PSC; the DNR had been told to develop standards on wind siting guidelines that take into account the possible habitat abandonment, collisions with the turbines, possible mitigation plans, etc.. The DNR's input should not come at the end of the proceedings, but be a continual part of the process to address all of the concerns of Wisconsin citizens.

Thank you for your consideration

I affirm that these comments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Sandra Johnson