12/20/10 Radio Radio: Listen to wind rules discussed on WORT'S 'A Public Affair' AND! This Just In: Yet another letter from legislators to Senator Plale asking him to object to the wind rules BUT Is there a mailbox in his spider hole?
CLICK HERE for Clean Wisconsin's 2009 testimony to the Public Service Commission during the Glacier Hills Wind Project hearings--Clean Wisconsin tells the PSC there will no CO2 reduction because of the implementation of the Glacier Hills project unless the PSC also requires a coal fired plant to be shut down.
Result: The PSC approves the project with no requirement that a coal-fired plant to be shut down.
12/7/09 Clean Wisconsin lives up to its name by taking on the dirty elephant in the room.
December 16, 2010
Dear Senator Plale and Representative Soletski,
We are writing to express our concerns regarding Clearinghouse Rule 10-057 which sets state-wide standards for the siting of wind towers.
The Rule pending before your committee should be sent back to the Public Service Commission for modifications.
We appreciate the work of both committees on this proposed rule. Much of the citizen reaction, including that of your constituents raised serious concerns about the effects of the rule. We are grateful for the committee action in October to return the rule to the PSC for modifications.
Unfortunately, the PSC modified Rule sent back to your committee this month does not address the concerns expressed by citizens of members of your committee.
Specifically, we are deeply concerned about the setback provisions and its effect on neighbors to properties containing wind towers. Substantial testimony was provided by citizens describing this setback as completely unacceptable.
It seems the PSC has entirely disregarded the will of Wisconsin's citizens and elected officials.
We respectfully urge you to consider the will of the people and those whom they have elected. We ask the committee to either return the rule to the PSC for further modifications or act quickly to object to the proposed rule so it can be taken up the Joint Committee on Review of Administrative Rules.
Thank you for your attention to this matter,
Kathleen Vinehout
State Senator
31st Senate District
Chris Danou
State Representative
91st Assembly District